adapted from Two Peas & Their Pod
2 egg whites
2 tbs water
5 cups raw whole almonds
4 tbs white sugar
6 tbs brown sugar
3 tbs ground cinnamon
1 tbs ground nutmeg
1 tbs ground cloves
1 tsp salt
Preheat oven to 250 degrees, and line a large cookie sheet with parchment paper.
In a small bowl, lightly beat egg whites and water until frothy bubbles appear. Set aside.
Combine almonds and egg mixture in a large bowl. Using a wooden spoon, mix almonds, making sure that the egg mixture coats all the almonds.
Once almonds are completely coated, begin pouring in the sugars and the spices. Continue mixing the almonds to ensure that everything gets spread all around.
Spread almonds evenly onto a lined, large cookie sheet. If things seem cramped, spread almonds onto two cookie sheets.
Bake almonds for 1 hour, stirring every 20 minutes to keep from burning. An even roast is the desired result.
After 1 hour, remove almonds from oven, and let them cool for about 15 minutes. Store room temperature almonds in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.
What a great idea! I love giving away healthier treats during the holidays because I feel like everyone just loads up on sugar. 🙂
xo, Amy
I feel the same way! Healthier treats are definitely my holiday go-to.
What a great recipe! I’m going to try and make these this weekend for a party I’m going to on Saturday night…must go buy ingredients tonight!
These almonds are a great party food. Everyone will love them!
this is brilliant! save some for me, please!