Yes, my friends, it’s time–time for you to tackle that DIY you’ve been eyeing. Whether it’s cleaning out your desk or sorting through the closet, organization is key. Cue The Container Store. It’s a one stop shop for all your organizational needs.
Lucky for you, a $50 gift card is up for grabs. It’s the perfect way to jump start your project. To enter, simply use the Rafflecopter below. The more entries you complete, the greater your chance will be at winning.
Good luck!
I’m going to try and tackle all the papers on the kitchen table from my first baby being born last Wednesday and my desk downstairs.
I’m actually working on going minimal – I started with my closet, getting rid of about 2/3 of my stuff this week, and plan to keep doing areas all around my house. The nightstands that have turned in to junk drawers could really use some organizing and de-cluttering!
I am re-doing the closets
I. NEED. THIS. for my basement org
I want to get my makeup drawer organized.
I’m always looking for better ways to organize my costume/fashion jewelry and cosmetics.
My closet..dreading it!
I have this big ol’ 5-tier open shelving unit in my kitchen and everyone can just see the mess of items piled onto it. I’ve been wanting to get some cute bins to put items in to make the shelving look more neat. The food pantry could use some organizing too…
I’m working on my closet 😉
My pantry needs organizing
Cleaning out my closet.
i could use this to put my makeup in
I would really like to redo my closet and my bathroom!
My closet! I have been putting it off for months and really need to get it organized!
My son’s bedroom! Hot Wheels, Legos, & more, all over the place.. it is desperately in need of organizing.
I need help with my entryway closet/mud room. Winter’s coming and I hope to contain all the boots, gloves, scarfs, and hats!
My bedroom closet!
My bathroom! My husband is complaining that I’m slowly taking over the entire counter with my beauty, makeup & hair supplies. Short of completely remodeling the bathroom, I guess I need to tackle my storage & organization problems!
My closet!!!!!
I definitely need to organize my overflow pantry area in our basement..
Probably making my kitchen more accessible.
I need to organize my closet and vanity.
I need to organize my closet.
Oh boy does my dresser need some rescuing. It’s starting to become a catch-all and that needs to be stopped before it gets worse!
The next project I need to tackle is reorganizing my kitchen!!!
I don’t know! Maybe my desk!
We need to organize the bathroom closet!
A nursery for my son! So excited 😀
I’m actually getting ready to work on my bedroom which is also my office/craft room.
I love the wine rack or attempt at organizing our shelves that houses our pans
I want to organize my sewing supplies.
My desk is the next area that I will tackle.
I plan to take on my craft closet! It’s a disaster and I’m glad it’s behind closed doors!
My desk needs major organizing!
I need to organize lots! Spare bedrooms, daughter’s clothes, closets, basement…
I need to organize my closet and the kids’ closets!!
Finding my bedroom floor.
I want to work on my closet.
I need to organize my pantry.
my daughters bedroom
I plan to tackle the items in the workshop as they are all in boxes.
I need to organize all of my closets
My garage for sure!
My twin teenage daughters share a small closet…its scary in there! I really need to reorganize!
Want to reorganize my room. 🙂
I need to clean out our “office”. I use that word loosely, as it has become a catchall for things that don’t have a place yet.
I have been trying to get my sewing/craft room organized!
The garage is my next project to tackle…..its like super messy in there.
the unfinished part in our basement.
just heard from someone else that they opened in SLC – awesome!
Bathroom closets are a pit!
My walk-in closet needs some major TLC. Baskets and hanging shoe options and a little decoration will make me happy!
My basement needs it badly!
I plan to try to organize my closet soon. It is a mess of boxes and accessories!
I need to organize my living room.
The organizational project I plan to tackle next is the past and current school papers closet.
I need to organize our homeschool supplies.
My kid’s clothes
We just moved into a new home earlier this year, so I still have closets and all sorts of basic organizing that needs to happen in our new space!
Organizing my closet.
I am going to try and tackle my bedroom closet! Wish me luck. =]
I need to organize my pantry.. nightmare
I hope to tackle the kids closets and get them better organized.
I want to try and get all my wool pieces organized for my rug making this winter.
you name it we have to organize still, but I think the catch all buffet…I don’t know whats coming and whats going
I need to organize our hall bathroom closet. It’s a mess!
Really enjoying your blog….will be organizing the home office next.
My son’s closet
I need to tackle my cool-weather clothes.
I would like to organize my crawl space
Oh I really need to organize my desk! Its a mess! Drives me nuts!
I would love to get my beads under control! Then the kids legos!
We have an entire spare bedroom that has somehow become a storage space and is packed full. We are taking that on next.
My kids rooms and my work space need to be tackled and organized.
We just moved so I am organizing everything!
I plan on tackling the closet next
I need to do our spare bedroom
This would be great for organizing my closet
I need some shelves in the master bedroom closet!
We have been using one the our extra bedrooms for storage. We are going to turn it back into a bedroom, but have to figure out how to but all of the stuff in there neatly away!
My next project is cleaning & organizing the closet in my master bedroom! It is quite the challenge!
My closet of doom needs to be organized
There are so many, My filing and important documents are the most pressing at the moment.
I am moving in a few weeks and my girls are sharing a room for the first time. So lots of stuff will need to be purged and organized!
Our closet!
I need to organize my living room, which includes a makeup area, study desk (for school!), and a media center. There’s so many things that need to fit in such a little room!
I am about to clean out my “throw everything into it” closet. Should be pretty interesting…
I need to organize my closet a bit more!
all my books and educationL supplies. i am a teacher!
I plan to tackle my office closet next!
My next big project is to organize all of my crafting supplies,including the finished products.
most of my closets and drawers need organized!
Our spare bedroom has to get done this winter since i’ll have lots of family in town for my sister’s wedding in January.
I actually would like to re-arrange my bedroom furniture and organize the closet.
Our closet in our spare bedrooms!