NFL game day . . .
If you’re a Seahawks fan, this weekend was a good one. Our Thursday night game resulted in a win, and we’re one step closer to clinching a spot in the playoffs. I’m feeling it. Super Bowl 2017, here we come! The next piece of the puzzle calls for a few clutch plays from the corners of your closet. It’s time to pick your next NFL game day look.
Whether you’re headed to the stadium or tailgating from your couch, I’ve teamed up with NFL Fan Style to share a few outfit necessities for any football fan. They’re easy to wear, simple to style and make game day a lot more fun.
This season’s Levi’s x NFL collaboration is the perfect place to start. The collection is available in both men’s and women’s styles. I’m wearing the Seattle trucker jacket and plaid western shirt. You can find all the team’s represented here.
Did you know Forever 21 carries NFL gear? I recently added this Seahawks sweatshirt to my collection. It’s comfy and cozy, and the under $30 price point can’t be beat. On Sundays, I like to wear it with a beanie and fuzzy socks. Add a pair of fleece lined boots, and winter weather won’t stand a chance.
Shop the post:
Levi’s trucker jacket + western shirt, New Era cap + beanie, Forever 21 fleece sweatshirt c/o, Cuce NFL rain boots, NFL team socks
This post is brought to you in collaboration with NFL Fan Style.
photos by Haley Nord
Seahawks, of course!
I’d like to see the Packers win but (sigh) probably the Patriots lol
The Seahawks is going to win!! 😀
cowboys 🙂
I’ve gotta go with my Cowboys! They’re having an amazing year!!
I am going with my team and say The Steelers!!
I wish it was going to be the Colts year, but I think the Cowboys are going to be the Super Bowl Champs!
I think the Patriots will win. They’re not my team of cheering, but they have a strong history
I’m not certain of course, but I really hope the Cowboys win it this season. They’re having a great year and this is their first real shot at making it to the Superbowl since the wins in the 90s.
I think the Cowboys will win.
I think that the patriots will win
I hope the Kansas City Chiefs will win the Super Bowl.
The Patriots!
I would love to see the Packers win the Super Bowl…Go Pack Go!
I wish the Browns would win (LMAO IKR??!) buuuut I know that wont happen!
I have no idea lmao. I don’t watch football unless the Bears are on and I barely keep track of the stats and standings. As long as it’s not the packers, I’m good! Ha
I honestly have no idea but I’ll be watching!
Well, the Broncos are my team ultimate team of choice, but I’m not holding my hopes up for them this year. My 2nd pick would be the Kansas City Chiefs. If not my team, then I’d like to see a team that hasn’t been there in a while.
The Seahawks 🙂
I am pulling for the patriots! Been a fan since I was 11 years old.
The Patriots!
New england patriots are the fave to win.
The Pittsburgh Steelers of Course.
I think Dallas Cowboys are going to win it this year.
Pittsburgh Steelers
Probaby The Patriots.
I think the packers will win
Not a cowboys fan but I think they will get it this
The Green Bay Packers!!! ????
My guess is the Dallas Cowboys. My poor poor Cleveland Browns didn’t even have a chance this year. Maybe in 2056.
Maybe the Seahawks!
Im going to go with the Steelers
New England Patriots
Cowboys will win it!
We love our Seahawks so I’m hoping they’ll win!
I think the new England patriots will win super bowl LI
The seahawks
Steelers of course
The Patriots.
The Cowboys
I don’t know much about NFL but my son is a huge fan! If I had to take a guess… I’ll say the Cowboys… maybe, lol ?
The Dallas Cowboys!
I’m rooting for the seahawks.
I am not sure but we always watch it!
I think the New England Patriots will win this year.
Oh my team the Vikings is not doing very well…I would love to see the Seahawks win!
The Dallas Cowboys.
My dad would love if the Packers won!
Probably Patriots, hopefully the Cowboys.
I know it’s a long shot, but I want the Ravens to win the Superbowl.
I think it will be the New England Patriots
The Dallas Cowboys are definitly in it to win it this year. I am reminded of it every Sunday with all the yelling that goes on towards the tv.
I’m hoping for the Packers this year!!
The Dallas Cowboys!
I’d like to see the Los Angeles Rams win!
The Giants!
Dallas Cowboys will win!
Hmmm….. I think I’ll go with the Patriots, since I’m in New England. And they seem to be on a roll these days.
The Cowboys!
My grandson loves Green Bay Packers so I’d like to see them win!
The Patriots!
I want the 49ers to win but that’s impossible. It will probably be someone unexpected like the Falcons.
The Steelers of course!
I am hoping the PACKERS!
I’d have to say the Patriots
The Cowboys!
The Dolphins will NOT win the Super Bowl. My guess is that the Cowboys will win it all!
The Raiders are doing great this year! Fingers crossed!
I have to go with the Cowboys.
Cowboys or KC chiefs
Rooting for the Cowboys this year
The Patriots will win!
I am not sure who will win this year but I can tell you would definitely won’t. My poor pathetic Chicago Bears.
I always am hoping for the Patriots
The Patriots probably.
The MIAMI DOLPHINS are going to go all the way to the SUPERBOWL!!!!!
I want my team to win Chicago Bears, but that is not going to happen. There is always next year, I think the Patriots will win the Superbowl.
Cowboys mostt likely will win
I want my Chiefs to but unfortunately I don’t think that will happen.
Houston Texans!
probably the Patriots
the jets!!
I would like to see the Seahawks win as I used to live in Seattle.
Going against the grain here, but rooting for my Baltimore Ravens to win it again!
I would love for the Steelers to win!
I am saying the Cowboys this time.
That’d be the Packers.
I think the Dallas Cowboys will win the Super Bowl but I’m rooting for the Lions who might actually make it to playoffs this year!
I’m definitely going with the Cowboys!
I think the Dallas Cowboys might win it.
So cute as usual for you! I wish the Atlanta Falcons would win but if not I am rooting for the Seahawks too!
I think the Cowboys will win the Super Bowl.
The Cowboys are looking strong.
Well… Bears won’t be there for sure. :'(
But I will be watching the game!
raider nation! 🙂
i think that the Seahawks are going to win! 🙂
The Patriots!
da bears
I should say the Vikings but we all know that won’t happen.
So I will say the Seahawks
I’d love for my Chiefs to win!
Greenbay packers
A Cowboys fan and Patriots (being from new England)…Cowboys have had a strong year this year.
I think the Pittsburgh steelers.
Detroit Lions
Seahawks will win!
I think that the Packers can win the superbowl.
Our family is hoping the Kansas City Chiefs will win this year.
I think it is going to be the Cowboys
The Seattle Seahawks will! Go Hawks! Even after the game on Saturday against the Cardinals I still believe in our Seahawks!
New England Patriots
The Patriots!
My husband is a Chiefs fan but I know they won’t win, so i’m going to guess Patriots or Seahawks!