Newborn photos . . .
The last few months have been a bit of a blur–doctors appointments, weekends spent at home and cat naps whenever the baby sleeps. Parenting is exhausting, and it’s been an adjustment to say the least. But, we wouldn’t change a thing. Mary Jane is exactly what we hoped and prayed for.
It’s hard to remember what life was like before she arrived. It’s funny how that happens. This little one fits right in, making our family whole. Her temperament is sweet, sometimes spunky and we don’t mind her occasional squawking. Over the last week, Mary Jane has become quite the communicator. If you’re game to listen, her eyes light up + she’ll give you an earful. The baby jabbering is pretty dang cute.
Time is flying by, and Mary Jane is already two months old. We snapped these photos the week after she got home from the NICU. I can’t believe how much Mary Jane has already grown. Before you know it, she’ll be eating chocolate cake (Jake’s favorite) and chasing after puppies (my favorite). There are lots of photo-worthy moments to come.
Until then, we’ll enjoy our days spent in pjs and cuddling on the couch. Life really couldn’t be better . . . a few less stinky diapers wouldn’t be so bad.
newborn photos by Chelsie Starley Photography
She’s so precious! <3<3<3