My 2019 Word of the Year . . .
Did you see my post on Instagram? Rather than come up with a traditional list of resolutions, I decided to pick a word to help guide my year. My 2019 word of the year is LESS. It’s often used as a determiner, an adverb and an adjective to describe a smaller amount of something. Yes, I’m focusing on less in order to get so much more out of life. Here’s how I’m kicking things off and setting my sights on a year of reducing and embracing the word ‘no’ more than ever before.
I’ve always been a Type-A personality do-er. It makes me happy to check things off lists, and I thrive when life requires an itinerary. I’ve also been known to have a plan A-Z in place, just in case A,B + C didn’t pan out the way I hoped. One might say I tend to over do it, and many have said that I generally over think things. I, on the other hand, like to say that I’m just thorough and very well prepared.
Unfortunately, this often means that I make things a bigger deal than they need to be. I create more work, more to-do’s, more deadlines and more unnecessary stress. Can you relate? And when things don’t go according to plan or my plans fall through, the overwhelm really sets in.
So, who’s with me? Do you need less in your life? Let’s do less, plan less and stress less. Let’s makes room for more flexibility, more creativity and more freedom in every aspect of life. I’m talking quality over quantity. Let’s focus on less to gain so much more.
Did you choose a word for the year?
I can so relate! I complicate everything! I love this word 🙂
I definitely like this. I love living with less – I truly do believe that less is more! My word for the year is “bold.” This next year will be an adventure and I want to embrace it by being bold and brave!
Sounds like a great mindset! My word for 2019 is assurance. You can read about it on my blog too. 🙂