An April to-do list . . .
This month is a growing month, both figuratively and literally. The days are getting longer, there’s more sunshine and the outside temps are finally starting to feel friendly. Yep, it’s time to break up with that post-winter rut. Spring is, after all, known as the season of new beginnings. Grab a crispy can of Diet Coke, your calendar and let’s get planning.
#1 Learn How To Cook Your Favorite Meal
There are a lot of online cooking classes out there–why not learn how to make your favorite take-out dish, homemade pasta or Sunday dinner for a crowd? America’s Test Kitchen is a great resource. You can pay per online class or subscribe to a monthly fee and access all 230 sessions.
#2 Visit the Local Art Museum
Feeling a little blue? Doctors in Montreal are prescribing museum visits as a way to “boost mood, improve wellbeing, and give patients a chance to explore experiences and senses outside of their illness.” You can read the article here.
#3 Organize One Closet, Set of Drawers or Shelves
Let me be the first to admit that spring cleaning can feel a little daunting. Rather than tackle a big project, start small. Tasks like organizing an entry closet, the kitchen pantry or a set of bathroom drawers are manageable + high impact. You use these spaces all the time, and a little organization can go a long way in day-to-day functionality. Want to be inspired? This video + step-by-step via The Container Store is making me REALLY excited to organize our new kitchen.
#4 Treat Yourself to Something New
I’m talking a new shade of lipstick (love these minis!), a new class at the gym or a weekday lunch date to that new cafe downtown.
#5 Do an Easter Picnic at the Park
It doesn’t need to be fancy. I’m a big fan of a semi-homemade approach when it comes to picnicking. Simply buy some deli sandwiches at your gourmet grocer, pack few bags of chips (my go-to) and bake a batch of brownies. Don’t forget the plastic Easter eggs! Mary Jane likes to fill ours with marshmallow Peeps.
#6 Vacuum Your Car or Declutter Your Purse
There’s something therapeutic about vacuuming out the toddler crumbs and throwing away all those silly receipts. Do it now. Thank me later.
#7 Take a Day Trip
Can’t afford to take an entire week for spring break? No problem. Venture out on a day trip to a neighboring city. The short jaunt will change your perspective and give your brain a much needed break.
#8 Plant Greenery Either Inside or Out
Here’s another life hack for you: go green. Science says that “house plants improve concentration and productivity . . . reduce stress levels, and boost your mood.” This NBC News article spills the beans on exactly how to create your own plant sanctuary.
#9 Open a Savings Account + Save $5-10 Per Week
It’s always a good idea to have a bit of money stashed away, and an official savings account is a great way to do it. Hello, interest! Even if you just deposit a few dollars every week, it will add up over time.
#10 Conquer One Thing That Scares You
I’m a firm believer of personal growth through experience. It’s the best way to learn skills, add to your resume + work toward becoming a well-rounded being. This week, I launched The FBT Shop. It’s a project I’ve consistently put on the back burner because I was (and still am) very afraid of failure. But, I did it. I learned new photoshop tricks. I put myself out there is a way I haven’t before. That, in itself, is already a success. You can read my Instagram post here.
Hey, hey! What’s on your April to-do list?
I totally just treated myself to a new laptop/backpack for work! I had been eyeing it for weeks and finally just decided to treat myself. It’s nice to do that every once in awhile!